10 Travel Planning Tips for LGBTQ+ Explorers

10 Travel Planning Tips for LGBTQ+ Explorers

Meg Ten Eyck is one of the world’s leading experts in LGBTQ+ Travel. Meg has visited 60+ countries, serves on the Board of Directors for IGLTA and Belmond Hotels, has spoken at conferences on five continents, written three books and had her content read by millions. Follow her adventures around the world on Instagram @MegTenEyck

At Skyscanner, we encourage everyone to travel no matter how you identify or who you love. But we also recognise there are some important considerations when planning your travel as a member of the LGBTQ+ community to ensure your safety and create those amazing lifelong memories.

As a white, thin, queer femme from the United States, my travel experiences and expectations are different than my LGBTQ+ friends who are BIPOC, transgender, disabled etc. In an effort to be as inclusive and intersectional as possible I reached out to the best in the business for their tips and recommendations on LGBTQ+ affirming travel planning.

1. Start Your Research With IGLTA

Founded in 1983, IGLTA aims to assist travellers in navigating LGBTQ+ travel challenges by offering a variety of trip planning resources and LGBTQ+ welcoming travel experiences. Social acceptance and legal protections around the world are complicated, but IGLTA’s marriage equality guide can simplify this, as it allows travellers to explore which countries and regions around the world offer same-sex marriage.

In addition to marriage equality, the guide also features an application that sources LGBTQ+ rights and protections in over 250 countries and regions around the world. While marriage equality isn’t the only consideration for travel planning, it’s a great start for couples looking to plan a romantic holiday. It also acts as a baseline for understanding where the destination is on its road towards acceptance.